A proposal for the development of Varese’s Franco Ossola Stadium was presented, (in the setting of the Palace Grand Hotel). The newly designed sports facility is promoted by Aurora Real Estate together with the Varese City Sports Club.

Aurora Real Estate, which is in the advanced stage of executive planning for the redevelopment of Caserta’s Alberto Pinto Stadium through the so-called Stadiums Law, is about to begin this new path aimed at creating a multipurpose sports facility that can be used every day of the year. The Concept of the stadium is modeled on a volume with a wide ring roof, within which is located the playing bowl, for a capacity of about 12 thousand seats, expandable. The basic concept, according to UEFA and Fifa indications envisages the presence of numerous functions to support the area’s sports activities, starting with soccer but also specialized medical centers, gyms and wellness center up to executive-type spaces and other surfaces with various destinations. The sports facility is complemented by an elliptical tower that can be used as guest quarters/student quarters.

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