14/03/2024 – The technical feasibility regarding Rimini’s new Romeo Neri stadium has been filed with the City of Rimini. Aurora Immobiliare, together with Rimini Calcio in RTI- Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Imprese- has in fact registered the feasibility document for the new sports facility, made possible by the application of the Stadiums Law (Law 147/2013 et seq.). With the conclusion of this first phase of work, the expectations already outlined in previous meetings are confirmed; the facility will have a capacity of 12,200 seats, expandable, indoors and with much improved visibility, thanks in part to the relocation of the athletic track to another location. In fact, bringing the stands closer to the playing field results in a net improvement in visibility and also allows for the inclusion of Skyboxes, stages, and pitch views to better enjoy the sporting event and other planned events. Then the enhancement, not removal, of the historic facade by Eng. Virginio Stramigioli, which dates back to 1932 and characterizes its façade towards 9th February 1849 Avenue. The high historical-artistic value of the facade, made of brick, travertine and white stone, represents the element of continuity between new and modern. The filing of the Document of Feasibility of Design Alternatives (DOCFAP) follows the Law dictate of the so-called “Stadiums Law, Law 147/2013” as amended by Legislative Decree of Feb. 28, 2021 No. 38 “Measures on the reorganization and reform of safety standards for the construction and operation of sports facilities,” and with the New Procurement Code (Legislative Decree No. 23/36), resulting in a simplified bureaucratic procedure. Regarding timing, both Mayor Sadegholvaad and Antonio Ciuffarella, in a recent interview with Corriere Romagna, confirm that if the City Council positively evaluates its contents, it will declare, within the sixty-day period, the public interest in reaching the closure of the process within the 120-day period after its approval. From there another 120 days are needed leading to the eventual tender award. Following the outcome of the tender, a Project Company, open to possible partners from the area, will be established and dedicated to the implementation of the project and management of the work. In conclusion, between completion of the administrative process and the implementation of the work phases, we can reasonably expect to inaugurate the plant within about 36 months.

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