On Thursday, October 19, the Convention was signed between the Caserta Stadium Project Company and the Municipal Administration, a decisive act that will lead to the construction of the facility. A press conference then followed in which the importance that the new stadium will have for the Team and the entire city of Caserta was reiterated.

The project, which involves the demolition and reconstruction of the facility for a capacity of 12 k seats, extendable to 18 k, will be the first realization made possible through the implementation of the Stadiums Law. Antonio Ciuffarella, of Aurora Stadium company that promoted the initial idea, was keen to emphasize how he always believed in this project idea and that everything was possible through an important team effort starting with President D’Agostino and Mayor Carlo Marino.

Procedures for permits have already been initiated, administrative steps that are obligatory before the opening of the construction site.

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